Directed by Anna Hogg, Lindsey Arturo, Rachel Lane Reptilian Freeze Reflex attempts to capture the embodied experience of the freeze reflex through the frenetic energy of a camera-less film made by scratching directly onto 16mm black leader. The film reflects upon the way we sometimes fail to relate to one another as individuals because of […]
Director: Brecht De Cock In a reconstruction of his father’s death, the director combines animation, live action and photogrammetry, among other techniques. This intensely personal film deals with the universal topic of loss in a way that shows the power of contemporary artist animation and pushes the medium to its limits. Directed by Brecht De […]
Director: Katia Sophia Ditzler A performative poetry film about what nobody will want to have seen. Childish paper dolls and tableaus, collage aesthetics juxtaposed with symbols of war, politics, and religion. Ideologies and opinions tried on as one would try on clothes. A poem hinting at the Leningrad siege. The colors of the suffragettes, Aileen […]
Directed by Katia Sophia Ditzler A partially AI-generated poetry film Animation, Experimental Country of Origin: Germany Watch this movie
Directed by Francesca Svampa During quarantine, the director has been invited to make a film about her lockdown experience.To face this challenge, she draws images from her memory —and archive—, to remind herself which way to move. “How to shoot flowers” is a personal essay film where artistic creation and personal expression become the medium […]
Directed by Francesca Svampa A dreamlike portrait of Barcelona, shot in double exposure on reversible 8mm film, is interwoven with an intimate “I remember” voice, creating a collage of memories à la Brainard and Pérec. The director’s personal micro-memories, as a woman, filmmaker and immigrant, evoque the spirit of a time that may never return, […]